Numbers – Data – Facts
Numbers – Data – Facts
In 2017 WORTMANN AG achieved a
turnover of approx. € 700 Million.
Despite the difficult economic conditions and situati-
on WORTMANN AG maintained its general growth
in 2017.
As a result of the consequent implementation of our
business model all objectives were achieved and even
exceeded. In all division the company managed to
extend its market position despite fierce competition,
a shrinking market and continuing price battles.
WORTMANN AG is financially independent thanks
to very good
Equity and liquidity
Distribution business
with components,
peripherals and standard software also keeps
developing and has slightly increased, much to
our delight.
ration in turnover between
own brand and distribution
still tends to be at 50%
each with relevant movement
from year to year.
Foreign sales
as part of the
turnover came to approx.
25 % in 2017 and represents
an increasing part of the total
The TERRA CLOUD offer, WORTMANN AG´s data centre, which has been available
for partners since early 2015, and has experienced great demand.
More than 3000 people have attended the two day TERRA
CLOUD Bootcamps. A great proportion of the partners
are active so that more than several thousand servers
are running right now already.